‘Mindful People’ Feel Less Pain

US scientists have found that a person's natural level of mindfulness is associated with pain sensitivity. "Mindfulness is related to being aware of the present moment without too much emotional reaction or judgement," says Fadel Zeidan, Ph.D, the study's lead author. Analyzing data from a 2015 study, his team reviewed MRI scans of participants who had never previously meditated while they were administered painful heat stimulation. These brain analyses revealed higher innate mindfulness was associated with greater deactivation of a brain region called the posterior cingulate cortex. In those who reported higher pain, greater activation of this region was seen.   He added, "Based on our earlier research, we know we can increase mindfulness through relatively short periods of mindfulness meditation training, so this may prove to be an effective way to provide pain relief for the millions of people suffering from chronic pain."  Dr. Zeidan said he hopes that the findings will help in research and development of effective pain therapies. Are you interested in meditation, but unsure where to start? Try this short Meditation for Beginners video by ABC news anchor, Dan Harris, who teams up with meditation expert Sharon Salzberg to walk you through the basics. 


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